Even as I welcome new members to the Uganda mission team, others leave on furlough. Transitions are exhausting. I'm happy that my brother Ben, with his wife Heather, and youngest daughter Esther, have moved to Mbale. I was able to see them when they first arrived a month ago and look forward to seeing them again at the end of April. It's also great that they are in the same time zone, which makes phone calls easier. They are settling well. Ben will be the Regional Foreign Missionary for Africa (and Haiti! More on that in another post) on behalf of the OPC.
The week before Easter, the Karamoja station had a feast together with our fellow workers on the compound. We are happy that the Grimsley family and Jed have joined us for a year. The Verdick family have just started their six- month furlough.
Please pray for the Mbale station of the Uganda mission as the Jacksons wind down their role to leave the field at the end of this year. Knox School of Theology will continue training local pastors the reformed faith.
Please pray for Tina and me as we stand in the gap. We are praying for more missionaries to apply to join our team and share in the work of God's harvest.