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We ask that volunteers complete a 30 hour training session- mostly offered online with an English one starting in March, and a French to start in April. We ask that our volunteers are over the age of 18.

There are three Hospice Care Ottawa locations if you know people living in Ottawa Central or Kanata- May Court is located at 114 Cameron Ave and Ruddy- Shenkman is located at 110 McCurdy Dr in Kanata. WE are always looking for volunteers and staff.

Have a great day



Anita Lima

Coordinator of Volunteer Services, Coordinatrice des services bénévoles

Ph./Tél:  343-999-1496

Fax/ Télécopieur: 613.260.5510

Email/Courriel: /

Charitable Registration Number /  No d'organisme de bienfaisance :  11896 3701 RR0001