At 8:30am on Monday Dec. 9th Shirley, Linda and I met at Grace, loaded up and drove to Carleton with 3 coolers full of sandwiches and veggies plus cookies and granola bars. Paula and Dave met us there for their first time volunteering for Pause Table. We were partnered with Pastor Ron from Calvin Church who provided the rest of the food as well as a number of student volunteers. (We also got to meet and work with Rev. Ryan Farrel who works for the Campus Champlaincy and who will speak here at Grace on Dec. 22nd.) Students were blessed with a wide range of snacks (cookies, 6 kinds of granola bars, rice krispee squares, popcorn, cereal bars, fruit cups), bagels, juice boxes, coffee, tea, hot chocolate and even some wrapped chocolates. We smiled, waived and shouted "Fee Food!". Paula was the best at getting the students attention as they almost all had headphones on. She would point at them with a lunch bag and say "Hey! You look hungry!". There were a lot of confused faces. LOL! We handed out lunch bags so they could fill them up with what they liked. Everyone was so grateful and left with huge smiles. We got a lot of questions like "Why?" and "Who organizes this?". With an army of volunteers the tables were refilled constantly to keep up with demand. Dave broke down all the boxes as we emptied them. By 12:30pm we were down to a handful of granola bars and had fed about 600 students! What a wonderful gift to be able to bless these young adults (and some teachers)!