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Hello everyone from Dunham!  We’ve got exciting news, updates, and prayer requests!  


We head to Brazil on Thursday! 

Dan has finished everything for his Masters - hooray!!! - and all that is left is to present his thesis and do the graduation walk in Contagem, Brazil next week! What a journey it has been as he’s explored the heart of Biblical hospitality and its healing effects on communities in conflict (particularly in our nation). Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! God has been so good and kind in this very stretching season. 


Creative opportunities to teach the scriptures! 

April was filled with running a creative Bible week for the Arts and Music Discipleship Training School joined by many young people from the local church (we read through the Bible cover to cover exploring God's heart and big story-line for humanity - we're doing another one this fall if you want to join!!) as well as with a youth retreat where we got to teach and encourage dozens of youth excited to meet with Jesus. 

This past month I taught a week of DTS lectures on “Arts and the Kingdom.” It was so good to spend time together with the school pouring through the scriptures, getting to know our King of kings and his ways together, and digging into his heart for the arts in our world. 


Artists, come to jesus! 

We’ve continued gathering as the BEAUTIFUL GATE arts collective. It’s off to a slow, but steady start. We’re looking forward to the fall when we’ll have our first creative retreat. We're also looking forward to Dan having more availability after his masters to join the co-ordinating team. Please pray that the Lord will lead us and solidify vision and connection.

The YOUTH ART HIVE has also continued to meet, gathering about a dozen youth in the YWAM art studio to create and be encouraged together. Please pray that these youth would have meaningful connections with one another and their creator in these times. 

Finally, this summer we'll be running a second edition of the YOUTH ARTS INTENSIVE. Please pray that the Spirit would guide these times and encourage and strengthen the youth that will be joining. 


It’s been a pretty full season. We’re thankful, and looking forward to taking some vacation at different points over the summer months. Thank you for your encouragement, prayers and support over these months. We’re grateful for you! May the Lord refresh you as you enter the summer. May you find rest in Jesus! 


Sarah and Dan